'$minprice' AND rowprice < '$maxprice' ORDER BY sold_date DESC"; }else{ $sqlsearchquery = "SELECT * FROM $scrap_tablename WHERE mls LIKE '%$query%' OR location LIKE '%$query%' AND rowprice > '$minprice' ORDER BY sold_date DESC"; } $totalres = mysql_query($sqlsearchquery); }else{ if($maxprice != '') { $sqlsearchquery = "SELECT * FROM $scrap_tablename WHERE rowprice > '$minprice' AND rowprice < '$maxprice' ORDER BY sold_date DESC"; }else{ $sqlsearchquery = "SELECT * FROM $scrap_tablename WHERE rowprice > '$minprice' ORDER BY sold_date DESC"; } $totalres = mysql_query($sqlsearchquery); } if($query != '' or $minprice != 0 or $maxprice != 'unlimited') { $pagelabel = '(Showing recently sold)'; }else{ $pagelabel = '(Showing all listings)'; } $totalitems = mysql_num_rows($totalres); $maxpage = (int)($totalitems / $items_per_page);$maxpage = $maxpage+1; //Addthis code $addthis = '
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'; //Page info if($page <1 or $page > $maxpage){$page=1;} $startfrom = $page-1;$startfrom = $startfrom*$items_per_page; $result = mysql_query($sqlsearchquery." LIMIT $startfrom,$items_per_page"); $table = ''; if(mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //Prepare pictures if($row['pictures'] != 0) { $picture = 'pictures/'.$row['id'].'_0.jpg'; $currentpic = 1; }else{ $picture = 'images/nopic.jpg'; $currentpic = 0; } //Prepare More-Info links if($row[multimedia_link] == 'Not Available') { $moreinfolink = 'Not Available'; }else{ $mlink = @parse_url($row[multimedia_link]); if($mlink == ''){ $mlink = 'Not Available'; $moreinfolink = ''.$mlink.''; }else{ $moreinfolink = ''.$mlink[host].''; } } //Config Addthis $location = strip_tags(str_replace('
',' ',$row[location])); $addthis_code = $addthis; $addthis_code = str_replace('[#THE_MLS#]',$row[mls],$addthis_code); $addthis_code = str_replace('[#THE_TITLE#]',$location,$addthis_code); $addthis_code = str_replace('[#THE_DESCRIPTION#]',$row[description],$addthis_code); //Create table $listings .= '
'.$location.' '.$row[price].'
MLS: '.$row[mls].'   '.$addthis_code.'
Previous | '.$currentpic.' of '.$row[pictures].' | Next
'; } }else{ $listings = '
No results to show
'; } ###Create pags control bar### //[FIRST] and [PREVIOUS] links if($page == 1){ $first_link = ''; $previous_link = ''; }else{ $prevpage = $page-1; if($query == ''){ $first_link = 'First | '; $previous_link = 'Previous | '; }else{ $first_link = 'First | '; $previous_link = 'Previous | '; } } //[NEXT] and [LAST] links if($page == $maxpage){ $next_link = ''; $last_link = ''; }else{ $nextpage = $page+1; if($query == ''){ $next_link = 'Next | '; $last_link = 'Last'; }else{ $next_link = 'Next | '; $last_link = 'Last'; } } //PAGES links //Leftside if($page != 1) { $leftp = array(); $c=0; for($i=$page-1;$i>0;$i--) { if($c < 9) { $leftp[$c] = $i; $c++; } } sort($leftp); if($query != ''){$qparam = '&q='.$query;} for($i=0;$i'.$leftp[$i].' | '; } } //Rightside if($page != $maxpage) { $rightp = array(); $c=0; for($i=$page+1;$i<$maxpage+1;$i++) { if($c < 9) { $rightp[$c] = $i; $c++; } } if($query != ''){$qparam = '&q='.$query;} for($i=0;$i'.$rightp[$i].' | '; } } if($page == $maxpage){$separator='';}else{$separator=' | ';} $pagscontrol = $first_link.$previous_link.$pagesleft.$page.$separator.$pagesright.$next_link.$last_link; ###END OF [Create pags control bar]### ### [Prepare Max and Min price list] ### $pricelist = array('25000','50000','75000','100000','125000','150000','175000','200000','225000','250000','275000','300000','325000','350000','375000','400000','425000','450000','475000','500000','550000','600000','650000','700000','750000','800000','850000','900000','950000','1000000','1500000','2000000','2500000','3000000','4000000','5000000','7500000','10000000'); //Generate option list [Min Price] for($i=0;$i'.$formated.''; } //Generate option list [Max Price] for($i=0;$i'.$formated.''; } ###END OF [Prepare Max and Min price list] ### ?> MLS
My Listings